2nd Deployment 2012-2013 IS NOW COMPLETE!


Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekend in Review

Well, we had another exciting few days back here in Kansas. Kathleen and I spent all day Friday over in Sedgwick county doing genealogy stuff. Dad and I spent Friday evening out at Uncle Doug's and Aunt Sandy's. Saturday was Grandma Wall's birthday so we grilled pork chops and had a pasta salad, rice, and green beans for dinner. Later that night it rained. And I mean it rained. We almost needed a boat to go to church on Sunday morning. I looked like a frizzy q-tip by the time I got into the building. Pastor Doug preached a sermon on Trinity Sunday: What Do You Really Know? We are so blessed to have him as our pastor.

It rained again Sunday night. The wind was so strong I think we moved a block east. I saw a yard full of small limbs this morning. Guess I better get that picked up before the heat moves back in. I have a lot on my "to-do" list this week. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

We love you beyond words!!!
Mom & Dad

Dad and I worked hard around the yard.
Well, someone had to take the pictures!

Meet Scarface. He's always digging up something around here.

Sophie - guarding the peppers from those pesky bunnies.
Sidney - who now gets to go outside from time-to-time.
And, this cat thinks it lives here I guess. It's always around the yard.

1 comment:

  1. Look closely and you can see who is doing all the hard work, and that is NOT my good side. And that is not me playing in the tree either. Just setting the record straight.



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